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Showing posts from 2013

College Series: Roommates

I went to community college for 2 yrs on a scholarship before going away to a state university. In moving in I didn't know quite what to expect or what to bring so here I'm going to talk about that and things to think about before making decisions from my own experience.There will be different instalments to this as there are different things I would like to talk about in no specific order. I'm rooming with my friend (we have our own "best friends" but we are really good friends (like 2nd best if you want a title)) which works out because our schedules are different so we don't see each other 24/7. We have good communication skills with each other, we try to be respectfully open and honest. We also have similar morals and values which is important as you are in fact living with this person but we're not clones of each other either. Our personalities are different so we do clash on some things but so far that hasn't been often because we let things go ...

College Series: After Acceptance

Once Accepted into college/ university or trade school there will be a flood of paperwork coming at you. A lot of it will probably be online while other stuff will come in the mail. Do not let it overwhelm you, just stay organized and take things as they come. I suggest a binder with dividers or an expandable wallet, letter (these are water proof and already have gaussets for separation). You can get them at staples or wal mart. Keep records of everything just in case! When you submit something print out the summary pages and the proof of submission pages, you can never be too prepared in college. Print off contracts and invoices from payments. Once I started school I even put school reciepts (like book purchases, returns) in the college binder so if there was any discrepencies I had prove. File all of this stuff. You can organize it however you want. I did it by finances (financial aid, bills, reciepts), housing (contracts, requests, assignments), and acad...