This time of year most people are wondering what to get people for christmas, here are some tips to aid in the gift giving 1. Don't wait until the last minute, if you find something you think someone will like in jan get it and save it until christmas 2. Be practical, dont get a gift for someone just to give them something because they typically won't use/ wear it. ex. fill up their gas tank, give them money to pay a bill, take them on a spa day 3. Personalize, no one wants some generic gift that you give to everyone ex. if you're artistic write them a song, or a poem, paint/ draw a picure. Remember their favorite colors & what they like. 4. Don't be so commercial & save a shopping trip by making gifts that people will cherish, they will appreciate that you spent the time ex. pot holders, afghans, quilts, doilies, table cloths, coasters 5. Instead of giving people presents give them your presence, they will find you more valuable than any gift you buy e...
The workings of my mind and the random thoughts that swim through it. I love to help people & use this blog to give my opinion & share tips on anything & everything:)